Resources for children and families

Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust logoHelping children and young people cope with the information and changes related to the Coronavirus can be a huge challenge. From social distancing and quarantine to school closures and increased awareness of infection and hygiene – there is a lot to process for children and families.

The resources below have been produced by Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust

Supporting your child with additional needs

This guide gives advice about how to support your child during lock down.  This file is not in EasyRead.

Being at home

This document uses Widgit symbols to tell a social story about why we have to stay at home at the moment.


This document includes the widgit symbols for a variety of feelings and emotions.  Easy to use with a communication board or communication devices such GoTalk of QuickTalker.

Daily Schedule

This document contains widgit symbols for daily activities such 'get dressed', 'have breakfast' along with templates to help you create a visual daily planner.

Visiting the hospital

 This document uses widgit symbols to tell a social story about going to hospital. It also explains that the doctors and nurses will be wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Washing your hands

 This document uses widgit symbols to illustrate how to wash your hands.

What is coronavirus?

This document uses widgit symbols to explain what coronavirus is.

Promoting talking at home advice sheet

This document gives you tools and ideas for helping the development of speech.  This document is not in EasyRead.

The Covid Storm

This is a comic strip that talks about the emotional effect of coronavirus and having to stay at home.


Covibook is a story that explains Coronavirus for children